Communications Training

Communications Training

  • How do you sell to different types of people (DISC)?
  • How can you conduct a great employee development conversation?
  • How can you handle the difficult conversation?
  • How can you facilitate conflict resolution in the best possible way?

We train employees, sales personnel and management in authentic, clear and efficient communication.


MoveMentor offers coaching of experienced sales personnel, but we also focus on a basic training in professional and sustainable sales techniques. We always tailor our sales training program to fit your business and will for example consider the best way for you to sell to new customers and sell more to your existing customers. We work with empathetic and need-oriented sales processes and how we can achieve a sale that is favorable for both seller and buyer.

Through all the phases of the sale our focus is to maintain and enhance the customer relation in a sustainable way. A good deal is when both parties leave it smiling and satisfied.

Write or call us if you think you could get even better at “the art of communicating”.